In the district of Larkana in Sindh, situated at the banks of River Sindhu, hundreds of years ago civilization existed and the place was called Mohenjo- daro as it was very lonely and dangerous.
Years after the remains of that civilization got buried under tones of mud, deep inside the ground the historical department excavated this district very systematically. The remains of the things used then made evident that Sindhughati was very much developed and the rules of treatment/ therapies were followed in each work. Even the art and the architecture were influenced by therapies. It was revealed to the world that even ages back, during the time creation of the city local cleanliness was given utmost importance and that health therapies for the treatment of diseases existed then also.
Ancient Ayurveda from Indian earththe excavations of old civilizations of Mohenjo- Daro and Harappa gave a new vision to history and like literature became one of the ways to acquire knowledge about the history of ayurveda.
Tracing the facts the Bhattigarh- Nalanda (Bihar, India) was searched, which was found in Vishwavidyalaya area and it is believed that the ras- shala related work was carried out here.
Aarogya vihaar The excavation of Kumarahaar in Patliputra (Patna) district an 'Arogya Vihaar' was discovered and this disclosed the fact that in olden times also there were inside places where patients were kept for treatment. All these evident facts indicate that even before five thousand years Indians were aware of therapies, treatment and hospitality for diseased and needy.
At Mohenjo- Daro the black stone architecture science was evidently influenced by the health science. The examination by Dr. Hameed of the black colored stone founded at the excavation site revealed that it was a Shilajeet, which comes form the mountain areas and is useful for urine diseases. Research proves that all the novels of ayurveda have the mention of Shilajeet Rasayana.
Mrugashrunga (Barks of deer): it is believed that the barks of deer found during excavation were used as medicine in the ancient times. The Athrva Veda also states that the deer bark is a curative for hereditary diseases.
The barks can also be used for clearing cough (kapha) from the body after it accumulates inside the body.
In today's world the deer bark is saleable as a medicine at very high price and thus it is surprising that years back with negligible development as compared to today The people knew the medication for rare diseases.
Khilaune (Games) Kashyapsanhita and Charaksanhita give the description of toys and games made of metal and clay that have varied shapes of animals for developing children's humor and intellect.
It is proved from various things like Shilajeet, Harinashrunga etc. discovered from the excavation that Indian Bhaishaj Vidnyan was very much developed at ancient times.
Ancient India's Relation to other countriesHipocretis & Pathagoras have admitted the indirect influence of India on treatment methods in their countries. Being the most ancient culture India was more developed than any other culture. Even the history of Misra, Aseena, Bebilonia, Mesopotamia, Cheen etc. and India have some similarities, which prove communication between these countries was possible and hence the knowledge of medication, cure, therapies etc. was transferred from one place to another.
Years after the remains of that civilization got buried under tones of mud, deep inside the ground the historical department excavated this district very systematically. The remains of the things used then made evident that Sindhughati was very much developed and the rules of treatment/ therapies were followed in each work. Even the art and the architecture were influenced by therapies. It was revealed to the world that even ages back, during the time creation of the city local cleanliness was given utmost importance and that health therapies for the treatment of diseases existed then also.
Ancient Ayurveda from Indian earththe excavations of old civilizations of Mohenjo- Daro and Harappa gave a new vision to history and like literature became one of the ways to acquire knowledge about the history of ayurveda.
Tracing the facts the Bhattigarh- Nalanda (Bihar, India) was searched, which was found in Vishwavidyalaya area and it is believed that the ras- shala related work was carried out here.
Aarogya vihaar The excavation of Kumarahaar in Patliputra (Patna) district an 'Arogya Vihaar' was discovered and this disclosed the fact that in olden times also there were inside places where patients were kept for treatment. All these evident facts indicate that even before five thousand years Indians were aware of therapies, treatment and hospitality for diseased and needy.
At Mohenjo- Daro the black stone architecture science was evidently influenced by the health science. The examination by Dr. Hameed of the black colored stone founded at the excavation site revealed that it was a Shilajeet, which comes form the mountain areas and is useful for urine diseases. Research proves that all the novels of ayurveda have the mention of Shilajeet Rasayana.
Mrugashrunga (Barks of deer): it is believed that the barks of deer found during excavation were used as medicine in the ancient times. The Athrva Veda also states that the deer bark is a curative for hereditary diseases.
The barks can also be used for clearing cough (kapha) from the body after it accumulates inside the body.
In today's world the deer bark is saleable as a medicine at very high price and thus it is surprising that years back with negligible development as compared to today The people knew the medication for rare diseases.
Khilaune (Games) Kashyapsanhita and Charaksanhita give the description of toys and games made of metal and clay that have varied shapes of animals for developing children's humor and intellect.
It is proved from various things like Shilajeet, Harinashrunga etc. discovered from the excavation that Indian Bhaishaj Vidnyan was very much developed at ancient times.
Ancient India's Relation to other countriesHipocretis & Pathagoras have admitted the indirect influence of India on treatment methods in their countries. Being the most ancient culture India was more developed than any other culture. Even the history of Misra, Aseena, Bebilonia, Mesopotamia, Cheen etc. and India have some similarities, which prove communication between these countries was possible and hence the knowledge of medication, cure, therapies etc. was transferred from one place to another.